edited by Wess France Sasu.
This section is dedicated to our protection of privacy policy. It allows you to learn more about the origin and use of navigation information processed on the occasion of your visit to our website and your rights. This policy is therefore important for you who want to have a positive and confident experience of our services and for us who wish to respond to precise and complete manner to questions about your visit to our website and take into account your wishes.
During the consultation of our site, information about the navigation of your computer on our site, are likely to be recorded by the programs, including so-called "cookies" on your computer, subject, of course, choices you have expressed and that you can change at any time.
On the occasion of visiting a website such as "to deliver fleurs.com", we may be required, subject to your choice, to drop on your computer through your browser, a file text. This text file is a cookie. It will enable f "to deliver fleurs.com" during the period of validity or cookie record, identify your computer during your next visit. Partners or providers to "do deliver fleurs.com", or other companies may also be required, subject to your choice, to set cookies on your computer.
There are two main types of cookies:
The so-called cookies "Techniques". These cookies are essential to navigating our site, including the proper execution of the order process;
The so-called cookies "Optional". These cookies are not used on our site our site except Google analytic and social networks (see below).
Only the issuer of a cookie is likely to read or modify the information contained in this cookie.
You will find below the information on the cookies that may be placed on your computer when you visit the site "to deliver fleurs.com" Wess either France or by third parties, and that means you deleted / deny registration of these cookies on your computer.
cookies "to deliver fleurs.com"
The cookies we send are used for the purposes described below.
1. Cookies "technical"
a) The cookies associated with site accessibility
These cookies are essential to navigating our site, including the proper execution of the order process. Their pressure can cause navigation difficulties on our site as well as the impossibility of ordering. We advise you not to remove them.
These cookies can be installed on your computer "to deliver fleurs.com".
Data stored in the cookie to a visitor / customer
date_add The time and date of the cookie (in YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM: SS).
id_lang The ID of the selected language.
id_currency The identifier of the selected currency.
last_visited_category The ID of the last visited category of products.
ajax_blockcart_display Indicates whether the block cart is open or closed.
The identifiers viewed the latest products seen, separated by commas.
id_wishlist The identifier of the gift ideas list currently displayed in the block.
checkedTOS Indicates if the "Terms and Conditions" has been checked (yes: 1, no: 0).
The identifier id_guest guest not connected visitor.
id_connections The connection identifier of the current session of the visitor.
id_customer The ID of the visitor when connected.
customer_lastname The customer's last name.
customer_firstname The customer's first name.
logged Indicates whether the client is connected or not.
passwd The _COOKIE_KEY_ MD5 hash in config / settings.inc.php, and the password used by the client to connect.
email The email address that the client used to connect.
id_cart The identifier of the currently displayed in the cart Cart block.
The Blowfish checksum checksum used to determine whether the cookie has been modified by a third party.
If this checksum does not match, the client will be disconnected and removed cookie.
b) cookies audience measurement and statistics
These cookies audience measurement and statistics we issue from Google analytic, allow us to establish statistics and traffic volumes (counting the number of Internet browsing on the website) and using various component elements our website (topics and content visited, routes). These cookies are essential because they allow us to improve the value and usability of our services or even detect navigational problems.
audience measurement and statistics cookies by using a google analytic unit
Google Analytics uses cookies to generate reports on user interactions with your website. These cookies are used to store information is not personally identifiable users. Party cookies stored in browsers are not valid from one domain to another.
For customers using the Google Analytics Advertising Features, advertising cookies are used to activate certain features such as the remarketing for products like AdWords on the Google Display Network. For more information about how Google uses these advertising cookies, see the FAQ on privacy on Google advertising. To manage your settings for cookies and disable these features, go to the Ads Settings.
Customers who have enabled the collection method analytics.js via Universal Analytics may choose to use a cookie or not. If they decide to do so, the information stored in the local party cookie is reduced to a random identifier (eg, 12345.67890).
c) other cookies
The issue and the use of cookies by third parties on our site are subject to the privacy policies of privacy of these third parties. You will find below the information that we know, for the purpose of these cookies and how you have to make choices with regard to these third
NB: These cookies are not essential to navigation on our site.
1. The cookies sent by third-party applications integrated with our website
We may include on our site, computer applications from third parties, which allow you to share content from our site with other people or to inform these other people your opinion or your opinion about our content site. Such is the case of the buttons "Share", "Like", from social networks such as Facebook, "Twitter", Google +, etc.
The social network providing such an application button is likely identify you with this button, even if you have not used this button when you visit our site. Indeed, this type of application button can allow the social network concerned to follow your navigation on our site, just because your account social network concerned was enabled on your computer (open session) during your visit to our site. We have no control over the process used by social networks to collect information about your visits to our website and associated personal data they have.
We invite you to read the privacy policies of privacy of these social networks to be aware of the purpose of use, including advertising, navigation information they can gather through these application buttons. These protection policies should enable you to exercise your choice from these social networks, including by setting your accounts to use each of these networks.
To know the privacy policy of the aforementioned social networks click the name of the social network of your choice:
- Google +
etc ...
In summary
Saving a cookie on your computer is subject to your will.
With settings of your browser software or through inter platforms, you can, at any time, simply and free of charge, choose to accept or not the recording of cookies on your computer.
1. The choices offered to you by your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.).
You can set your browser according to your will, so that cookies are
- Accepted and stored on your computer or, conversely,
- That they may be refused.
at. The agreement on Cookies
If your browser is set up to accept cookies from being saved on your computer, cookies embedded in the pages and content you've viewed will be systematically stored in your computer.
b. The refusal of Cookies
You can set your browser how to:
- That the acceptance or rejection of cookies you are offered promptly, before a cookie is likely to be recorded;
- To systematically refuse registration of cookies in your computer.
Note: All settings that you can take on your browser for accepting or rejecting cookies will likely change your Internet browsing and conditions of access to services requiring the use of these cookies.
For example, refusing some cookies called "Techniques" (see "Technical cookies"), you risk not being able to order on our site.
If you choose to decline the recording of cookies on your computer or if you delete those registered there, we are not responsible for the consequences related to impaired operation of our services due to the impossibility for us to register or visit cookies required to operate them and you would have refused or deleted.
How to exercise your choice, depending on the browser you use?
Configuring each browser is different. It is usually described in the Help of your browser menu. We invite you to read it. You'll know how to change your wishes regarding cookies.
Chrome ™
Internet Explorer ™
Safari ™
For Firefox ™
Opera ™
2. Your choice expressed in line with inter platforms (for sites other than "to deliver fleurs.com")
We invite you to please visit Youronlinechoices, offered by professional digital advertising grouped within the European association EDAA (European Digital Advertising Alliance) and managed in France by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France.
You will be able to know the companies listed on this platform, offering you the option to refuse or accept the cookies used by these companies to suit your browsing information advertisements may be displayed on your computer: https: //www.youronlinechoices.com/fr/controler-ses-cookies/
This European platform is shared by hundreds of professionals in the Internet advertising and provides a centralized interface for you to express, simply and quickly, your refusal or acceptance of cookies may be used by these professionals to adapt to your browsing advertisements may be posted there. Note that this will not prevent the display of advertisements on the websites you visit. It will block the technologies to adapt advertisements to your interests, knowing that no external advertising is used on our site.
Good navigation in peace on our website.
Wess France Sasu. "FLEURS DEUIL.COM"