To express your sympathy and your support to your relatives, whether you attend the ceremony or not,

Send a message of condolence with your flowers sympathy flowers.

In these difficult moments, when words are lacking, the flowers reflect your deepest feelings.

Send sympathy flowers to accompany people you love.

Let your heart speak or select the message template that best suits you.

You can also choose a mourning tape with a short text (limited to 35 characters)

Suggestions messages of condolence




Sincere condolences

We express our sincere condolences to you

Receive our most sincere condolences. We share your grief and are heartfelt with you

We send you all our affection in this painful ordeal

We are with you wholeheartedly. Words are little to express all our pain

We think about you. With all our affection and friendship

Sincere and saddened condolences

(First Name) will leave a great void in our life. We strongly believe in you and assure you of our support.

We express our sincere condolences at this painful moment

We offer our sincere condolences and join you in your grief and that of your family.

With heartfelt sympathy with you, sincere condolences

We take part in your grief, Sincere condolences

We ask you to receive our sincere condolences and express our deepest sympathy

With all our sympathy in this painful ordeal

Sincere condolences, we share your pain

We are heartfelt with you in this painful circumstance

We share in your grief. Affectionately

The management and staff of (xxxxxxx) present their sincere condolences. Be assured of our support in this terrible ordeal

Please accept our sincere condolences and believe in our respectful feelings.

We know how much this misfortune affects you and we want you to know all the share we take in your pain

Our most friendly thoughts accompany you in this difficult moment

Heartfelt with you in these difficult times. Receive these flowers and all my tenderness.

Our warmest thoughts accompany you in this painful ordeal

We ask you to accept these few flowers to express our grief, our sincere condolences

We are very close to you in this great misfortune by the thought

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. With all our friendship

We extend our friendship and support to you at this difficult time

Receive our deep support in this terrible ordeal. Affectionately

It is with great sadness that we have just learned of the death of (first name) .We send you our sincere condolences

Receive our most affectionate thoughts. We are close to you in this painful trial

We will never forget our friend, his passion for life and his kindness.

We associate ourselves with your grief, sincere condolences

We take part in your grief, Affectionately

We lose a colleague and a dear friend. We think hard of you. Sincere condolences

I would have liked to bring you some comfort, but I miss words. Receive all my friendship in this difficult moment

We will not forget the one who has left us and we send you the testimony of our sincere affection


Your message will be added on a message card provided by our artisan florist and delivered after the ceremony

By the funeral service to the family of the deceased.